Çöp Odası Çözümleri

Konteyner Besleme
Bin Feed & Press is the ultimate solution for the hassle of replacing bins so often. The automatic operation cycles all the waste bins and only requires staff once all the bins are pressed and completely full, saving space and reducing the workload and number of trolleys required to manage your waste.
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Konteyner Değiştirme
Embrace efficiency with our automatic carousels that dramatically reduce manual labor, streamline your waste handling process, and allow your staff to focus on more critical tasks. Invest in our technology to ensure a cleaner, safer, and more productive waste management operation.
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Çöp Sıkıştırma Makinesi
DownWaste 10:1 Our chute fed compactors are leakproof and designed to compress household waste to reduce the storage space it requires. In turn, fewer operators and trolleys are needed, leading to significant time and cost savings for your building.
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